6. Universal Robot Integration

Background of Current Process & Challenge Statement

Autonomous delivery, cleaning and security robots are becoming more commonplace,  however, a challenge in large scale adoption of such robots is in the enabling of multi-floor navigation due to  the associated integration costs between robot and various facilities in buildings, including doors, lifts, etc. Such integration costs often resulted in an unfavourable financial business case to justify the implementation of robots.

There is a need to adopt universal interfaces between robot vendors and facilities manufacturers so as to ease integration and to allow reuse from project to project, thus improving financial ROI for implementation


  • Universal and brand agnostic; suitable for different makes of robots, lifts, doors, etc.
  • Reusable across implementations.
  • Minimal changes to legacy infrastructure.
  • Minimized integration effort and cost for robot vendors and facilities manufacturers.
  • Adopt standard(s) to safeguard personnel and facilities during integration, installation, functional testing, programming, operation, maintenance and repair.

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